game xì dách邀请码Five detained, prosecuted after clash with ranger

日期:2024-04-15 16:17:37  作者:wangshifu3389

Five detained, prosecuted after clash with ranger

Five detained, prosecuted after clash with ranger

LÂM ĐỒNG – Police in Lâm Đồng Province have detained and prosecuted five people following a clash that resulted in the death of a forest ranger a week ago.

Nguyễn Ái Tĩnh,  四 九, was found dead with a cut on his neck last Monday. His two colleagues were hospitalised with severe injuries.

Five detained, prosecuted after clash with ranger

They had reportedly tried to stop a group of people cutting down pine trees, but were attacked by the loggers.

The suspected offender are  四0-year-old Mơ Bon Ha Hoàng,  一 七-year-old Liêng Hót Ha Long,  二 二-year-old Liêng Hót Ha Jek, and  三 三-year-old Lơ Mu Ha Chăn. K’Long Ha Hen, the fifth offender, has fled.-VNS

Five detained, prosecuted after clash with ranger

